"Globalizing Noncitizen Detention" by Jaye Balentine


Immigration, Liberalism, Noncitizen Detention


This inquiry seeks to establish that the global expansion in regimes of noncitizen detention represents a contemporary expression of imperial subjectification under Western liberalism and that such regimes serve a key role in maintaining the capitalist social order. While several efforts have been made to explain the globalization of noncitizen detention practices stemming from the United States, there exists serious shortcomings in the proposed analyses. Namely, existing literature on the subject has failed to adequately account for the history of Western imperialism and the centrality of liberalism as a political ideology in this imperial project. By intervening in the existing analyses with scholarship on liberalism and its role in maintaining the capitalist social order, we can construct a clearer picture of how and why regimes of noncitizen detention have spread across the globe.



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