Creator Bio
Projects in this collection: The Legacy of Selma Burke, Creek College
Adam Carlin is a sculptor and social practice artist that lives and works in Greensboro, North Carolina. He is currently the Director of Greensboro Project Space, an off-campus contemporary art center at the University of North Carolina - Greensboro, and Director of Community Engagement for UNCG’s College of Visual and Performing Arts where he creates and supports community engaged programs and advances partnerships between the college and the community. He is also co-Founder and co-Director of Creek Colleges, an organization that creates schools on the banks of rivers, lakes, and creeks that are going through active restoration. His work often takes the form of institutes as artworks that enact projects which highlight under-recognized histories, idiosyncratic activities, and public dynamics. Participation and collaboration are integral to his practice and he often work site and situation-specifically. He received a BFA from California College of the Arts and an MFA in Art and Social Practice from Portland State University.
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Record Created
Winter 2-11-2021
sculpture, social practice, institutes
Recommended Citation
Carlin, Adam, "Adam Carlin" (2021). Archive Organized by Artist. 19.
Links to Creator's Works in the Art and Social Practice collections
The Legacy of Selma Burke
Creek College