A clip from the set up at the opening performance
Director Celestina Billington/ Collaborators: Matt Fries, Julian Luna, YE Torres & InputOutput
“Sacred Voice of the Bayou” was an interdisciplinary performance and installation project that intertwined social practice, community folkloric studies, hispanic heritage, ecstatic dance, and a three month installation that utilized sound and steel to immerse audiences. "Sacred Voice of the Bayou," was mobilized by a $42,000 grant award that I received from an Our Town grant by the National Endowment of the Arts as distributed by Houston Arts Alliance, and was ultimately unveiled through a community-wide festival that had roughly 500 attendees. I was the concept artist, director, and administrator of the project.
Publication Date
Mason Park, social practice art, hispanic, community art, art in the parks, Houston TX
Recommended Citation
Billington, Celestina, "A clip from the set up at the opening performance" (2018). Art and Social Practice Videos. 3.