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Black Studies students at Oregon State Penitentiary during Winter 2024 engaged with Portland's history around race, place, and power. They chose sites around the city that were meaningful to them and worked with students from the outside to take photographs of the sites. From these photos, the OSP students created moving narratives and poems and collected them in a print publication and on the web.

This event celebrates the launch of the website showcasing this project, with presentations and readings from students and instructors, an exhibit of the photographs, and print copies of the students' publication.

Black Studies has been teaching courses at OSP since 2023. The cohort of students who produced this project in Winter 2024 have completed the requirements for a Black Studies certificate and are on their path toward their BA degrees.

The event was held on May 20, 2024 in PSU's Pan-African Commons, and recorded on Zoom.




Presented by the PSU Center for Black Studies, the Black Studies Department, the Center for Urban Studies, Pan-African Commons, Imagine Black Futures, PonyXPress, and Higher Education in Prison.

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