With a timely message about the transformational power of protest, Janaya Khan is a leading activist who engages you in a profound discussion about social justice and equality. Known as ‘Future’ within the Black Lives Matter movement, Janaya is a black, queer, gender-nonconforming activist (pronouns: they, them, theirs), staunch Afrofuturist and social-justice educator who presents an enlightening point of view on police brutality and systemic racism.
Janaya has been honored with several awards, including the 2015 Bromley Armstrong Humanitarian Award, and has been featured in media outlets, including the Feminist Wire, RaceBaitR, and The Root. Janaya currently serves as executive director of Gender Justice LA, a grassroots multi-racial coalition of transgender people and allies. Janaya’s eye-opening presentations are underpinned by a deep commitment to social transformation. With compelling narratives, Janaya illustrates how individual lives are affected by inequality and rouses audiences to actively seek justice for all.
Janaya Future Khan is a storyteller, activist and futurist. They serve as International Ambassador for Black Lives Matter.
Social justice, Black lives matter movement, Protest movements, Gender identity -- Social aspects
Education | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies
Persistent Identifier
Recommended Citation
Khan, Janaya, "Breaking Barriers Round Table with Special Guest Janaya Khan" (2020). Teaching Innovation Conference: Breaking Barriers in Higher Education. 1.