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Dr. Nolan Cabrera is an award-winning scholar and nationally-recognized expert in the areas of racism/anti-racism on college campuses, whiteness, and ethnic studies. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Center for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Arizona, and was the only academic featured in the MTV documentary White People.
Dr. Cabrera has given hundreds of lectures, keynote addresses, and trainings, throughout the country on challenging racism/whiteness, working through unconscious bias, creating inclusive college campuses, and the expansion of ethnic studies programs. Dr. Cabrera was an expert witness in the Tucson Unified Mexican American Studies case (Arce v. Douglas), which is the highest-profile ethnic studies case in the country’s history.
Inclusive education, Anti-racism, Racism, Minorities -- Study and teaching
Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies
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Recommended Citation
Cabrera, Nolan, "Breaking Barriers Check-in with Special Guest Nolan Cabrera" (2020). Teaching Innovation Conference: Breaking Barriers in Higher Education. 2.