Submissions from 2013
“Fixed” Sentencing: The Effect on Imprisonment Rates Over Time, Mark G. Harmon
Evaluating What Works for Helping Children Exposed to Violence: Results from Nine Randomized Controlled Trials, Laura J. Hickman, Lisa Jaycox, Claude Setodji, Aaron Kofner, Dana Schultz, Dionne Barnes-Proby, and Racine Harris
Submissions from 2012
Crime Emergence and Simulation Modeling: Modeling Crime Space, Patricia Brantingham, Kathryn Wuschke, Richard Frank, and Paul J. Brantingham
Drinking with Friends: A Cellular Automata Approach to Modeling Peer Influence on Binge Drinking Behavior, Piper Jackson, Andrew Reid, Niki Huitson, Kathryn Wuschke, and Vahid Dabbaghian
Submissions from 2011
Gendered Arrests or Gendered Sentencing: Explaining the Narrowing of the Gender Gap in Imprisonment over Time: 1970–2008, Mark G. Harmon and Robert M. O'Brien
National Evaluation of Safe Start Promising Approaches: Assessing Program Outcomes, Lisa Jaycox, Laura J. Hickman, Dana Schultz, Dionne Barnes-Proby, Claude Setodji, Aaron Kofner, Racine Harris, and Joie D. Acosta
Submissions from 2010
Tracking Inmates and Locating Staff with Active Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID): Early Lessons Learned in One U.S. Correctional Facility, Laura J. Hickman, Lois M. Davis, Edward Wells, and Mel Eisman
National Evaluation of Safe Start Promising Approaches: Assessing Program Implementation, Dana Schultz, Lisa Jaycox, Laura J. Hickman, Anita Chandra, Dionne Barnes-Proby, Joie D. Acosta, Alice Beckman, Taria Francois, and Lauren Honess-Morreale
Submissions from 2009
Cartograms, Crime and Location Quotients, Martin A. Andresen, Kathryn Wuschke, J. Bryan Kinney, Patricia Brantingham, and Paul J. Brantingham
Land Use Based Crime Rates: Exploring Patterns of Land Use and Crime Rates in Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam, Kathryn Wuschke
Land Use & Crime: Coquitlam/Port Coquitlam: Exploring how Violent, Property, Mischief and Drug Offences relate to Land Uses, Kathryn Wuschke
Land Use and Crime Patterns in Coquitlam Detachment, Kathryn Wuschke, Patricia Brantingham, and Jordan Ginther
Submissions from 2008
Evaluation Design for the District of Columbia Department of Corrections' Use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology with Jail Inmates, Laura J. Hickman, Mel Eisman, and Lois Davis
Major Arteries and Motor Vehicle Theft: Investigating the Spatial Distribution of MVT in the Lower Mainland District, Kathryn Wuschke
Submissions from 2006
Curbing Teen Dating Violence: Evidence from a School Prevention Program, Lisa Jaycox, Daniel F. McCaffrey, Beverly A. Weidmer, Grant N. Marshall, Rebecca L. Collins, Laura J. Hickman, and Denise D. Quigley
Race and the Decision to Seek the Death Penalty in Federal Cases, Stephen P. Klein, Richard A. Berk, and Laura J. Hickman
Submissions from 2005
Police Personnel Challenges After September 11: Anticipating Expanded Duties and a Changing Labor Pool, Barbara Raymond, Laura J. Hickman, Laura J. Miller, and Jennifer S. Wong
Submissions from 2004
Approaches to Making Military-Civilian Domestic Violence Collaborations Work: Lessons Learned From Two Case Studies, Laura J. Hickman, Lois M. Davis, and Paul C. Steinberg
Identifying Deportable Aliens in the Los Angeles County Jail: Implementing the HI-CAAP Federal-Local Partnership, Barbara Raymond, Laura J. Hickman, Elizabeth Williams, and K. Jack Riley
Submissions from 2003
Formalizing Collaboration: Establishing Domestic Violence Memorandums of Understanding Between Military Installations and Civilian Communities, Laura J. Hickman and Lois M. Davis
Evaluation of the Impact of Seattle's DWLS Vehicle Impound Law, Laura J. Hickman, Terry Fain, Greg Ridgeway, Susan Turner, J. R. Lockwood, and Barbara Raymond
Submissions from 2002
Countywide Evaluation of the Long-Term Family Self-Sufficiency Plan: Countywide Evaluation Report, Elaine Reardon, Robert F. Schoeni, Lois M. Davis, Jacob Alex Klerman, Jeanne S. Ringel, John Hedderson, Paul S. Steinberg, Sarah Remes, Laura J. Hickman, Eric R. Eide, Marian Bussey, and John Fluke
Submissions from 2001
Changing Prison Management Strategies in Response to VOI/TIS Legislation, Susan Turner, Laura J. Hickman, Judith Greene, and Terry Fain