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Journal of chemical education

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Chemistry -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Research


In an ongoing effort to incorporate active learning and promote higher order learning outcomes in undergraduate organic chemistry, a hybrid (“flipped”) classroom structure has been used to facilitate a series of collaborative activities in the first two courses of the lower division organic chemistry sequence. An observational study of seven classes over a five-year period reveals there is a strong correlation between performance on the in-class activities and performance on the final exam across all classes; however, a significant number of students in these courses continue to struggle on both the in-class activities and final exam. The Activity Engagement Survey (AcES) was administered in the most recent course offering included in this study, and these preliminary data suggest that students who achieved lower scores on the in-class activities had lower levels of emotional and behavioral/cognitive engagement and were less likely to work in collaborative groups. In total, these findings suggest that if students can be guided to engage more successfully with the in-class activities, they are likely to be more successful in carrying out the higher order learning required on the final exam. In addition to the analyses of student performance and engagement in the in-class activities, the implementation of the flipped classroom structure and suggestions for how student engagement in higher order learning might be improved in future iterations of the class are described herein.


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