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Equity & Excellence in Education
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Education -- Research -- Methodology
In this study, we examine translingual identity poems written by three focal Latinx Teacher Candidates (TCs) in response to assignments in their Teacher Education Program (TEP). To interpret the focal TCs work, we bring together theories of raciolinguicized subjectivities, translingual literacies, and sociopolitical wisdom. Through thematic analysis, we argue that the use of translingual identity poems provided opportunities for TCs to draw on their emotions as semiotic resources and assert the connections of their identities to broader histories of marginalization and resistance. We also argue that when we, as teacher educators, engaged in the work of reflexively reading the poems while considering our own identities, it created a space for mutual learning and vulnerability. This article demonstrates the value of translingual identity work for both TCs and teacher educators, and counters trends towards “identity-neutral” and monolingual approaches in teacher education.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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Rachel Snyder Bhansari, Grace Cornell Gonzales & Patricia Venegas- Weber (01 Sep 2023): “Mi conciencia habla inglés, aunque yo no quiera”: Unearthing sociopolitical wisdom through translingual poetry, Equity & Excellence in Education, DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2023.2248470