

Critical information literacy, critical pedagogy, critical library instruction, online instruction

Document Type

Research Article


Although critical information literacy, critical pedagogy, and online library instruction are commonly discussed in the library and information science literature, they are rarely discussed together. This qualitative interview study with academic librarians conducted in 2022 identifies opportunities and challenges of teaching critical information literacy online. Findings suggest that critical information literacy and critical pedagogy can be integrated into online library instruction through online workshops, digital learning objects, and online credit-bearing courses. However, librarians face challenges implementing critical pedagogy online related to the lack of dialogue and co-creation of knowledge between students and instructors, limitations of the one-shot model of library instruction, which is often replicated online, limited engagement during asynchronous learning, and limitations of educational technology. Additional research is needed to establish frameworks and best practices for teaching critical information literacy and implementing critical pedagogy in online library instruction.



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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
