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Adult literacy, Computer assisted instruction, Digital divide


Digital problem solving reflects an individual’s ability to navigate and use multiple digital resources in order to accomplish goals across domains including work, personal interests, educational pursuits, social or professional networking, civic participation, and for future uses not yet conceptualized. To accomplish these goals, individuals need to enact everyday literacies (Knobel, 1999) that include: “asking questions, constructing meaning from [information and] data, generating [and sharing] creative solutions, and reflecting on how to improve these solutions for different contexts” (Manderino & Castek, 2016, p. 79). As individuals move through daily lives, they are constantly traversing disciplines as they collect information and make decisions. Most activities individuals required to maintain a productive and healthy lifestyle depend on access to, and the ability to, navigate digital resources. Thus, digital problem solving has become an integral part of daily life. By engaging in problem solving in a continually wider range of contexts, problem solvers can both expand their experience and increase confidence for engaging in digital problem solving.


This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Digital problem Solving: The Literacies of Navigating Life in the Digital Age. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 61 (6), 681-685. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

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Jacobs, G.E., & Castek, J. (2018). Digital Problem Solving: The Literacies of Navigating Life in the Digital Age. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 61(6), 681–685.

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