Spatial Sampling of Seabed Properties Using a Glider Equipped with a Short Hydrophone Array

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Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

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Ocean floor -- Remote sensing, Ocean floor -- Acoustical properties, Hydrophone


Passive acoustic remote sensing of seabed geophysical properties using naturally occurring ambient noise and mobile underwater platforms has the advantage of providing critical environmental parameters over wide areas for sonar performance predictions. However, although technological advances have provided the opportunity to implement acoustic payloads on mobile underwater vehicles the extent and complexity of the acoustic sensors are limited and can therefore only serve as a sensing platform to derive lower resolution seabed properties. During the NATO-STO CMRE sea trial GLISTEN'15, a glider is equipped with an eight-element rigid hydrophone array to estimate the seabed properties based on natural occurring ambient noise. The glider will operate along tracks where the geoacoustic properties and stratification of the seabed are known to vary significantly from historical data. The results from the discrete sampling of the estimated seabed properties are presented and compared to estimates from a short and longer bottom-moored vertical hydrophone array along the tracks. The latest development in synthetic array extension to improve the resolution of the inferred seabed properties are applied and evaluated by comparison of results between the different arrays. The impact of the acquired seabed characteristics on long range acoustic propagation is assessed.


© 2015 Acoustical Society of America


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