Active Learning, Labs and Maker-spaces in Microwave Circuit Design Courses

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2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO)

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Circuit design courses in general, and microwave circuit design courses as a subspecialty, have been taught over many decades. It is relatively recently, however, that instructors have started experimenting with more modern approaches to in-class and out-of-class instruction. In our attempt to make instruction more effective we have turned to: a) utilizing classroom interaction systems and collaborative work in class, b) studio-like approach to labs where students are encouraged to explore a problem through design, simulation, building and testing of simple structures, c) makerspaces that enable full design-build-test-redesign cycle of fairly sophisticated designs, and d) systematic literature reviews for graduate students taking the courses. We describe our experiences in designing and implementing a sequence of two courses, present assessment data, discuss obstacles to student learning, and propose additional ways to improve student learning.



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