Grover-based Ashenhurst-Curtis Decomposition Using Quantum Language Quipper
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Quantum Information & Computation 2018
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Functional decomposition plays a key role in several areas such as system design, digital circuits, database systems, and Machine Learning. This paper presents a novel quantum computing approach based on Grover’s search algorithm for a generalized Ashenhurst-Curtis decomposition. The method models the decomposition problem as a search problem and constructs the oracle circuit based on the set-theoretic partition algebra. A hybrid quantum-based algorithm takes advantage of the quadratic speedup achieved by Grover’s search algorithm with quantum oracles for finding the minimum-cost decomposition. The method is implemented and simulated in the quantum programming language Quipper. This work constitutes the first attempt to apply quantum computing to functional decomposition
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Citation Details
Li, Y., Tsai, E., Perkowski, M., & Song, X. (2019). Grover-based Ashenhurst-Curtis decomposition using quantum language Quipper. Quantum Information \& Computation, 19(1–2), 35.
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