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IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

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Voltage -- Capacitors -- Switches, Pulse width modulation, Electromagnetic interference, Zero voltage switching, Switching loss


Today's semiconductor devices are accompanied by high switching frequencies (> kilo-hertz) and small transition times (< micro-seconds). Such fast transition times are accompanied by undesirable effects such as voltage overshoots at the load terminals, ground leakage currents, wide-band electromagnetic noise, etc. With the advent of wide band-gap devices, several applications are moving towards higher switching frequency operation with at-least an order of magnitude reduction in transition times. While these characteristics are considered necessary to break the next-generation barriers in power density, efficiency and applicability, the undesirable effects due to faster transitions are expected to present obstacles. This work proposes a PWM approach to modify the shape of the switching voltages to overcome the disadvantages of the fast transition times without any increase in switching losses. In fact, several of the switching transitions feature ZVS operation, resulting in reduced switching losses. The paper discusses the analytical details of the approach using a simple DC-DC boost-buck converter and extends it to a DC to three-phase AC converter using the principles of space vector modulation. The paper presents detailed simulation and comparative results in terms of voltage over-shoots over long cables, loss calculations and electromagnetic noise. Results from a laboratory-scale working prototype confirm the benefits of the proposed approach in terms of EMI and loss reduction.


© Copyright the author(s)


This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Gupta, M., & Prem, A. (2023). A PWM Method for Reducing dv/dt and Switching Losses in Two-Stage Power Converters. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

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