Taking the Fiction Out of Science Fiction: an Interview About Indigenous Futurisms

Published In

YWY, Searching for a Character between Future Worlds: Gender, Ecology, Science Fiction

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Science fiction -- History and criticism, Indigenous futurism, Robots in motion pictures, Science fiction films, Pedro Neves Marques (1984-) -- Criticism and interpretation


Pedro Neves Marques interviews PSU Professor Grace Dillon.


© Sternberg Press


Conceived by Pedro Neves Marques, YWY is an android played by indigenous actress and artist Zahy Guajajara, who gave her the name “YWY,” meaning “land” or “territory” in her native Tupi-Guarani language. The character's co-invention by a white European author and a native artist from Brazil sets in motion a dynamic that can be resolved only by being given away and shared with a plurality of voices. YWY, Searching for a Character between Future Worlds shares the fictional character of YWY with several authors from Brazil, the United States, and beyond, creating a conversation about science fiction and robotics, ecology and gender, Indigenous Futurisms, and what it means to be human.

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