Community Partner

PSU Transportation & Parking Services

First Advisor

Sarah Carvill

Date of Award

Summer 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Professional Science Master in Environmental Science and Management


Environmental Science and Management




Motor vehicle fleets -- Oregon -- Portland, Universities and colleges -- Environmental aspects -- Oregon -- Portland, Electric vehicles, Sustainable development, Portland State University




As the effects of climate change continue to impact the world, many institutions have developed climate action goals to reduce their effects on the environment. Portland State University (PSU) has committed to an 80% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2040. A part of this commitment must include looking at the contributions of transportation on campus to reduce carbon emissions. According to a greenhouse gas emissions report done by the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office in 2016, transportation contributed to 12% of total greenhouse gas emissions on campus.

This project aims to evaluate the management of PSU’s internal vehicle fleet by proposing recommendations for optimizing the vehicle fleet through electrification and centralization. PSU's vehicle fleet optimization strategy will be informed by utilizing a comprehensive vehicle inventory and use profile, conducting internal department interviews, comparator school interviews, and reviewing relevant literature. Centralizing the vehicle inventory and usage process in a single department instead of having multiple separate inventories and processes across departments will lead to streamlined vehicle use, care, and overall optimization. Moreover, PSU can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector by implementing more electric vehicles and EV charging infrastructure.


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A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Professional Science Master in Environmental Science and Management.

Persistent Identifier
