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Transportation -- Planning, Area Commisions on Transportation (ACTS), Regional planning -- Oregon, Urban transportation -- Oregon -- Planning


The Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) created Area Commissions on Transportation (ACTs) to improve coordination, help prioritize infrastructure investment, and provide input on statewide transportation issues. The structure of the ACTs is designed to provide a cross-section of input from the state, regional, local, private, and community sectors. A research project was initiated to: assess the role and experiences of ACTs, research comparative approaches in the state and nationally, and develop and assess options for improving coordination and increasing effectiveness. This study used interviews, an on-line survey, case studies from Oregon and comparative studies from three other states to assess ACTs and identify options. The findings reveal that ACTs have improved the state prioritization process and increased communication across the parties involved, but they face challenges in relation to cross-regional coordination, strategic investment decisions, and regional problems such as urban travelsheds. The study highlights a range of options for improving ACT functioning under its current structure, and more significant options that would require policy and structural changes.

Note: ACT appendices are included here as a supplemental file.


This report is a joint production of the National Policy Consensus Center at the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University and the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon.

Report No. FHWA-OR-RD-09-11. Grant No. SPR 671

Persistent Identifier

ACT_Appendices.pdf (2635 kB)
ACT appendices
