Aims & Scope | Northwest Journal of Teacher Education | Journals | Portland State University

Aims & Scope

Affiliated with the Northwest Association of Teacher Educators, the peer-reviewed The Northwest Journal of Teacher Education serves as a critical and generative forum for scholars, supervisors, pre-service educators, K-12 practitioners and administrators. The NWJTE publishes articles from Canada, the United States, and the world over. Editors invite contributions that represent the diverse roles, perspectives, epistemologies, ontologies, and methodologies that contextualize and frame teacher education from the micro level (e.g., the lived experiences of educators) to the macro level (e.g., broader systems related to power, equity, and liberation), thus bridging the space between theory and practice. Empirical studies, reflection pieces, position papers, critical ethnographies, auto/duoethnographies, dialogic essays, and arts-based explorations are encouraged. Of particular interest are manuscripts that utilize a social justice orientation to interrogate and deconstruct educational systems of oppression and reconceptualize them as opportunities for liberation. It is also critical to note that the NWJTE is committed to amplifying previously silenced and emerging voices, first-time authors, and those for whom the publication process has felt burdensome or laden with barriers.