"A Tale of the Children: Challenges to Learning and Teaching in Idaho, " by Terry Armstrong


Teachers are under many stressors from forces seeking to improve education. In Idaho, there are numerous factors beyond educators' control that threaten to undermine success for all children. This article, prepared by eighteen distinguished Idaho public school teachers, outlines variables attendant to school failure for many Idaho children. Teachers need to act as advocates for improving the social climate that impinges on learning.

In addition to the main author, this article was prepared by Cohort Groups III and IV of the Thomas Wright Fellows, University of Idaho:

Cohort III
John Baillie
Kelly Gillie
Katholyn Howell
Ace Marcellus
Ann McLellan
Katherine Stalder
Jan Studer
La Donna Tuinstra

Cohort IV
Linda Boyer
Jo Dodds
Catherine Howlett
Kandi Kuck
Randall Maves
Kari Merkley
Mark Murdock
Molly Pannkuk
Wendy Seley
Jan Wathen



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