First Advisor

Alan R. Raedels

Term of Graduation

Spring 1992

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Systems Science: Business Administration


Systems Science: Business Administration




Production planning -- Quality control, Automobile industry and trade -- United States -- Quality control



Physical Description

1 online resource (3, xi, 286 pages)


American industry is about nine to 12 years behind in utilizing a new product development and introduction process known as Quality Function Deployment (Q.F.D.). American industry must learn to compete internationally; the American automotive industry alone directly and indirectly employs millions of workers and has billions of dollars in annual sales and profits at stake.

With the cooperation of one American automotive company research has been conducted on Q.F.D. The research objectives were to identify: what variables affect Q.F.D., what are the outcomes from Q.F.D., what relationships exist between Q.F.D. variables and outcomes, and what guidelines may be offered to Q.F.D. practitioners.

A Multiple Perspectives systems approach was used in developing both what and how Q.F.D. was to be researched. After a literature search a descriptive Q.F.D. model was developed. A Q.F.D. measurement instrument was developed and used to collect technical data. Interviews were used to collect organizational and personal data.

An 80% questionnaire response was obtained. Of the model's four outcomes Improved Design and Improved Communications had strong positive results with Improved Cost and Improved Time-to-Market unchanged. Explanations of these results were offered. A Factor Analysis was performed which verified that the three-level Q.F.D. model was appropriate and explained most of the response variation. A Reliability Assessment was conducted and the scales were found to be within or have exceeded the acceptable beginning research coefficient alpha range. A MANOVA Analysis was conducted, and five of the 17 Q.F.D. model's variables were identified as candidates for deletion for this company's present Q.F.D. system. A Ratio Data Assessment was conducted and used to develop five guidelines for this company's practitioners.

Organizational and Personal Data Assessments were conducted and their similarities with the Technical Data Assessment were noted. Top Management Commitment, Customer Information Availability, Team Composition and Dynamics and Project Completion Time were identified as important similar Q.F.D. variable findings. Improved Design and Improved Communications were identified as important similar Q.F.D. outcomes. No major discontinuities between the three assessments were found.

Research conclusions, contributions and future research work were identified.



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