First Advisor

Leonard Simpson

Term of Graduation

Winter 1988

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.) in Biology






Crayfish -- Behavior, Fever



Physical Description

1 online resource (3, 52 pages)


Poikilothermic and endothermic animals demonstrate febrile response to infection with bacteria or to injection with endogenous pyrogen extract of Prostaglandin E1. Febrile response is measured in endotherms as a relative change in metabolically achieved body temperature and in poikilotherms as an increase in selected temperatures relative to previously established preferred temperatures. Final preferendum change with environmental factors or associated physiological states.

Crayfish Pacifasticus leniusculus trowbridgii were injected with 0.2 ml suspension of alcohol-killed gram-negative Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria in 0.9% saline. Injections were into the coxopodite of the cheliped. The crayfish were monitored in an aquatic thermal gradient by means of a thermocouple attached to the carapace. The gradient range was from 9° to 26° C.

Temperatures were recorded and averaged for five minute time periods over two eight hour cycles, dark and light periods. Median values per animal per test run were used to define central tendency per animal. These values were used as data points to establish a treatment group mean or preferendum temperature. Comparsion recordings were completed with an uninfected group (baseline) and a group receiving 0.9% sterile pyrogen-free saline (control). Activity values or units were compared between groups. Activity was defined in terms of changes in temperature selection greater than 1.5° C and in terms of rising or falling temperature values greater than 1.5° C. Range values, 95% minimum and maximum, were also compared between groups.

Mean temperatures were not statistically different for any treatment group. Data representing activity values, range selection and behavior of the infected nocturnal - treatment crayfish were statistically different from the nocturnal treatment control and baseline data but were similar to all diurnal treatment data. Infected crayfish demonstrated reduced activity and narrower range preferences during nocturnal treatment periods.


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