First Advisor

Gary L. Gard

Term of Graduation

Spring 1996

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.) in Chemistry






Polymers, Plastic films, Fluorine compounds



Physical Description

1 online resource (79 pages)


Three polyfluoroalkyl epoxides, (I OCH2CHCH2OCF2CF2SO2F, II OCH2CHCH2(CF2)8F and III OCH2CHCH2O(CF2)CF(CF3)SO2F) were photopolymerized with a cycloaliphatic diepoxide (Cyracure UVR-6110) to form highly crosslinked glassy films. Depth-dependent surface analysis with XPS show that these films are highly enriched with sulfonyl fluoride groups in the outer molecular surface. Film compositions of 17 % wt and more of the fluorinated I and III show surface characteristics of a film composed of 100 % wt of the polymerized sulfonyl fluoride epoxide monomer (at depths for 50 Å for each sample). Even films that are prepared with only 1 % wt or less (compound III) of the fluorinated epoxide result in a thick overlayer of sulfonyl fluoride. The results of FTIR (attenuated total reflectance) spectra support these conclusions. Secondary ion mass spectra show peaks that can be assigned to perfluoro and sulfonyl fluoride groups, thus suggesting the formation of an overlayer of fluoroepoxide (within the sampling depth of this method, outer 15 Å). The above process holds great promise for forming fluorinated overlayers in mixtures where the total fluorine content is low. Extreme surface enrichment by the fluorinated epoxides like this is useful for applications where expensive or exotic fluorinated epoxides are necessary to form a strong overlayer, but comprising only small component additives of the total bulk mixture.


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