First Advisor

John Caughman

Term of Graduation

Spring 2024

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mathematical Sciences


Mathematics and Statistics





Physical Description

1 online resource (vii, 92 pages)


The notion of a Leonard pair was introduced by Terwilliger in 2001 to simplify Leonard's theorem, which classifies the orthogonal polynomials in the terminating branch of the Askey-Wilson scheme. In the same year, Kresch and Tamvakis made a conjecture about a certain 4F3 hypergeometric series while studying the arithmetic analogues of the standard conjectures for the Grassmanian G(2,n). The 4F3 series appearing in their conjecture is closely related to a family of orthogonal polynomials in the Askey-Wilson scheme. Consequently, the theory of Leonard pairs provides a useful framework for understanding their conjecture.

In this dissertation, we present our proof of the Kresch-Tamvakis conjecture. To do so, we construct a specific Leonard pair A, A* and a related sequence of matrices Bi. We identify the hypergeometric series in question with the eigenvalues of these matrices. We then use a result from mathematical physics known as the Biedenharn-Elliot identity to prove that the entries of the Bi are nonnegative, and, from this, we obtain the conjectured bound from the Perron-Frobenius theorem.

The Leonard pair studied here has many special properties related to spin models and strongly regular graphs. We formulate a number of results exploring these connections, and we prove a generalization that holds for a larger family of Leonard pairs.


© 2024 Taiyo Summers Terada

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