First Advisor

Steven Bleiler

Term of Graduation

Spring 2024

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mathematical Sciences


Mathematics and Statistics




Braid group, Geometric Topology, Linear algebra, quantum computation, representation theory, Yang-Baxter equations



Physical Description

1 online resource (vii, 142 pages)


Multiple equations in math, physics, quantum information, and elsewhere are referred to as "the" Yang-Baxter equation, in spite of being a broad family of equations. Most of the equations are nonlinear matrix equations, where the unknown variable is a matrix. This is the case for the so called braided, algebraic, and generalized forms of "the" equation, which are the primary focus of this dissertation. Finding solutions to the various forms of these equations has been the subject of much research. The equations in all their forms are largely considered intractable in high dimensions, and only in dimension 2 have the solutions been fully classified.

We begin with an introduction to quantum computation, with a focus on the topological model and its connection to the braid group. Next, we introduce the braided, algebraic, and generalized forms of "the" Yang-Baxter equation. We provide a full classification of diagonal solutions to each form. In particular, we show that any diagonal matrix is a solution to the algebraic form in any dimension, and each instance of the braided and generalized forms only have diagonal solutions that are scalar multiples of the identity. We exploit the relationship between the algebraic and braided forms to construct a solution in any dimension that is applicable to topological quantum computation as a universal gate. The generalized form of the equation is parameterized by three natural numbers, (d,m,l), and we show that the only invertible solutions when l m are scalar multiples of the identity. We completely classify all solutions arising from an X-shaped ansatz for five different choices of (d,m,l), and provide a complete classification of X-shaped solutions to every odd dimensional braided equation, where there are no X-shaped solutions in any dimension. We fully classify permutation solutions to each instance of the braided and algebraic equations that can be written as a product of 3 or fewer transpositions. We show that the problem of classifying all invertible upper triangular solutions to the 4-dimensional algebraic Yang-Baxter equation can be split into 48 cases, and fully classify one of the cases.


© 2024 David Lovitz

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