First Advisor

Tori Crain

Term of Graduation

Summer 2024

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Applied Psychology





Physical Description

1 online resource (v, 325 pages)


Few studies to date have investigated leader-centric variables associated with the support provision process. The following dissertation includes three studies that attempt to further understand such relationships. In Study 1, the interaction between leader sleep quantity and quality on various types of leader support (e.g., general supervisor support, family supportive supervisor behaviors, and sleep leadership) is studied using both employee and leader ratings. Study 2 integrates leader-centric research with work-life supportive leadership to propose a new theoretical model that delineates leader-centric variables (e.g., health & well-being, skills, role expectations, job demands) as precursors to the provision and perception of work-life supportive leadership. Finally, Study 3 emphasizes the leader’s perspective of support provision through qualitative methodology that identifies overarching themes related to multilevel barriers to support as well as leader-centric outcomes. Thus, the overarching goal of this dissertation is to shift the paradigm within the support literature by emphasizing the leader’s voice regarding their experiences in providing essential support behaviors to their employees.


© 2024 Jordyn Jan Leslie

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