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Traffic engineering -- Oregon -- Portland, Local transit -- Oregon -- Portland -- Planning, Central business districts -- Oregon -- Portland, Central business districts


The focus of long range transportation planning in the Portland region since 1973 has been on the development of exclusive transit corridors radiating from downtown Portland. The Interim Transportation Plan adopted in June 1975 described a transportation system for 1990 in which public transit plays a key role in providing high quality mobility for people in the urban area. Three major corridors were identified as priority candidates for investment in express transit facilities. In these corridors, the Sunset, Banfield, and Oregon City corridors, the plan calls for the development of “rapid and convenient transit service” to serve activity centers along the lines and provide access to downtown, together with supporting Tri-Met bus services, suburban transit stations, and park-and-ride facilities.

Preliminary planning has now reached an advanced stage in the Banfield corridor, the corridor with the greatest patronage potential, and also, because of the withdrawal of the Mount Hood Freeway from the regional highway plan, a corridor facing a significant future highway capacity deficiency. For these reasons it has been assumed in this report that the Banfield corridor would probably be the initial corridor improvement, and that any subsequent corridor development would expand into the other two priority corridors.

Downtown Portland is the main destination and terminus of the Banfield corridor, as well as the focal point of the three corridor system, and the existing Tri-Met bus operations. Downtown Portland is also the principal commercial and employment center in the region and is expected to maintain this regional dominance in the 1990 design year. Clearly, therefore, future transportation plans are of primary significance to the downtown area.

Preparation of this report has been financed in part through a grant from the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Urban Mass Transportation Administration.

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