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Street-railroads -- Oregon -- Portland Metropolitan Area, Local transit -- Oregon -- Portland Region


The purpose of this paper is to provide a status report on the region's interest in Light Rail Transit. One element of such a report is some historical perspective on the emergence of LRT as a serious transit option for this region. A second element to review is the political side of the current intense interest in LRT. This involves reviewing what the jurisdictions making the decisions about Portland's transit future see as the benefits of this particular alternative. Such a review must inevitably look at the individual corridor decision that is the present focus of attention. However, since LRT has been proposed as a region-wide mode, what is critical in review of a single corridor is what it teaches about perspectives which other jurisdictions in other corridors may adopt. Moreover, it provides a "case study" which, upon careful review, summarizes issues the region as a whole must confront.

This paper is part of an Urban Mass Transportation Administration grant to the School of Urban Affairs of Portland State University.

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