Untitled (1995) & Monkey Magic (1996)

Untitled (1995) & Monkey Magic (1996)


Streaming Media


Untitled performed at Taproot Concert, Echo Theater, Los Angeles, California and Monkey Magic performed at Dreams Well Studio, Portland, Oregon.

Performance Date



Untitled performed at Taproot Concert, Echo Theater, Los Angeles, California and Monkey Magic performed at Dreams Well Studio, Portland, Oregon.

Music for Monkey Magic by 3 Leg Torso.

"Touch Monkey is a dance company based in contact improvisation, refining the art of dancing anywhere, anytime." Co-directors: Carolyn Stuart & Patrick M. Gracewood. Dancers: Quintin Ehley, Marc Gadoua, Patrick M. Gracewood, Jamie Hansen, Elizabeth Kerle, Carla Mann, Shelley Stenovich, Carolyn Stuart, Eric Sucher, Donella Wood. Musicians: Courtney Von Drehle, Allison Farrow, Carla Mann, Larold Will.

Carolyn Stuart and Patrick Gracewood were interviewed by Eric Nordstrom in 2015.


This recording is made available through the Portland State University Library Special Collections and University Archives with permission and is for educational and non-commercial use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form, distributed or played for commercial purposes. For more information, please contact Special Collections at Portland State University Library at: specialcollections@pdx.edu or (503) 725-9883

Persistent Identifier


Untitled (1995) & Monkey Magic (1996)
