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This Open Access Textbook will guide students through their English language to academic degree studies.
Part one of this textbook is a guide for moving from ESL study to academic study at Portland State University*. It includes the resources students will use to understand policies and processes governing their degree study and their transition to academic coursework.
Part two focuses on how academic skills are used across various disciplines and is comprised of activities and assignments designed to practice these skills.
Key elements include culture and expectations in an American university, transferring academic skills from ESL to content-specific academic courses, and helpful exercises to be academically successful.
*While much of the content of this book relates specifically to Portland State University, it is our hope that the structure of the text and the activities within it may inspire adaptations to fit the needs of other colleges and universities.
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Publication Date
Portland State University Library
English language -- Study and teaching as a second language, English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers
© 2018 Michele Miller and Anne Greenhoe
This open access textbook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Persistent Identifier
Recommended Citation
Miller, Michele and Greenhoe, Anne, "Transition with Purpose: Pathways from English Language to Academic Study" (2018). PDXOpen: Open Educational Resources. 19.

Included in
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons
Publication of this book was made possible by Portland State University Library PDXOpen Publishing Initiative Grant program.