People and the Land: An Oral History of Oregon’s Statewide Land Use Planning Program

Interview with Margaret Collins
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Land use -- Oregon -- Planning
Interview with Margaret Collins by Jim Sitzman on May 27, 2015. Maggie Collins was an original member of the Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee, which was established by Senate Bill 100 to advise the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission on Goal 1 of the statewide planning system: citizen involvement.
Margaret (Maggie) Collins was an original member of the Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee, which was established by Senate Bill 100 to advise the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission on Goal 1 of the statewide planning system: citizen involvement.
James (Jim) Sitzman's career in land use in Oregon includes work with Metro and its predecessor, the Columbia Region Association of Governments (CRAG), where he assisted in drawing the first urban growth boundary around the Portland metropolitan area. He also served as a field representative for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development.
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Persistent Identifier
Urban Studies and Planning
Recommended Citation
Collins, Margaret and Sitzman, James, "Interview with Margaret Collins" (2015). People and the Land: An Oral History of Oregon’s Statewide Land Use Planning Program. 16.