This dataset was produced under an interagency agreement with the Oregon Department of Human Services (PSU Agreement #179649 and #180325).
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Oregon -- Population -- Statistics, Demographic surveys -- Oregon, Population forecasting -- Oregon
A novel dataset and documentation containing spatially allocated estimates based on analysis of the 2017-21 ACS PUMS for counties in the State of Oregon. Analysis was performed by iterative adjustment to the ACS weights such that results were consistent with selected tables generated from the full ACS sample published by the US Census Bureau. The data are delivered in two pipe-delimited text files. Each row represents one county, and columns represent standard data fields described in the codebooks. Oregon Department of Human Services supported the analysis and selected the indicators for production; race/ethnicity are reporting in a manner consistent with Oregon Health Authority guidance for REALD compliant estimates.
© 2024 Portland State University Population Research Center
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Citation Details
Population Research Center. "Spatially allocated population characteristics for Oregon counties from the 2017-2021 ACS PUMS, version 1.0" [computer file]. Portland, OR: Population Research Center, Portland State University. 2024.
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Documentation for prc_for_odhs_v15.zip PSU PRC demographic data for ODHS data warehouse
Data Dictionary: See: prc_for_odhs_cssu_v16_descriptor.txt and prc_for_odhs_ssco_v16_descriptor.txt
This dataset was produced under an interagency agreement with the Oregon Department of Human Services (PSU Agreement #179649 and #180325).
For further information, please contact the Population Research Center: www.pdx.edu/prc or askprc@pdx.edu
Citation: Population Research Center. Spatially allocated population characteristics for Oregon counties from the ACS PUMS, version 01.6 [dataset]. Portland, OR: Portland State University. 2024.
Disclaimer: We try to make these data as error-free as possible, but we make no formal guarantees as to the accuracy of the estimated population fields. If you find a mistake, please don't hesitate to reach out to us about it.
The associated data files contain demographic analysis and data for the purposes of research and planning for service delivery and in support of reporting needs for the Older Americans Act, collaboration with the Aging and Disabilities Resource Connection, and other purposes by the Oregon Department of Human Services.
The data include estimated population counts for cross-sections by age, sex, race, ethnicity, disability, income/poverty status, urban/rural status, family/household type, languages spoken, and other person and household characteristics. Race and ethnicity reporting is consistent with Oregon REALD categories and methodology from the latest standards published by the Oregon Health Authority.
The characteristics to be estimated and compiled have been selected by ODHS and are obtained from 2020 decennial census and the 2021 5-year releases of the American Community Survey (ACS), including published tables and public use microdata samples (PUMS). In some cases, when requested data is not published at the county level, PRC has generated synthetic data at the county level consistent with published county totals.
Tabulations made from ACS PUMS have been made consistent with published ACS detailed tables at the county level by adjustment of the ACS PUMS weights, through an iterative process to optimize for values for the weights that produce results that are acceptably close in accuracy to multiple published county totals by characteristics. Totals may differ from data in published ACS tables or from ACS PUMS calculations with unadjusted person or household weights due to the nature of the optimization process. ACS tables used in the raking process include: B01001; B01001A-I; B03001; B10056; B10059; B11005; B11001; C16001; C17002; B16004; B16009; B17024; B17020A-H; B18101; B18131; B19057.
The reweighting process results in non-integer counts, and these have been left as is. They can be displayed as rounded to whole integer counts. Rounding errors may results in totals that do not sum exactly. Standard errors for counties other than Clackamas, Douglas, Deschutes, Jackson, Lane, Marion, Multnomah, and Washington counties are experimental and should be interpreted with caution. Missing data should be interpreted as zeros, and missing standard errors mean that there were insufficient data to calculate standard errors.
Total population includes households and group quarters; therefore, totals for family or other types of households will not sum to the total population. Totals by living arrangements, e.g. presence of children or living alone include households only. Not all households have reported income or a poverty status; therefore, sum of population by household income quintiles or income to poverty ratio will not sum to total population.
Disability status is assessed only for the civilian noninstitutionalized population; therefore, sums across disability status will not sum to total population. Institutionalized in this context refer to facilities that house those who are primarily ineligible, unable, or unlikely to participate in the labor force while residents, and civilian refers to non-military personnel.
Language and English proficiency are assessed for the population age 5+ only.
REALD race/ethnicity are assigned using experimental heuristics and then adjusted for consistency at the county level by OMB race/ethnicity only. REALD method assigns a primary race, which is not a feature of the ACS. Primary race is assigned using the "Rarest race" principle, which selects a primary race for multiple race persons by using the least populous category according to the equivalent OMB race. Approaches are under ongoing development and results may not match totals published elsewhere or at a later date.
Same sex cohabiting couples controlled to the county totals from the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) file, not the ACS, due to insufficient geographic detail in the ACS.
Rural/urban population counts determined by tract-level population counts by RUCA codes. Urban population is counted from tracts with codes 1--3 and rural from codes 4--10. RUCA codes for 2020 census tracts have not been determined. Therefore, RUCA codes for the purpose of urban/rural determination are assigned to 2020 tracts according to the overlaid 2010 tract that best approximates the boundaries of the 2020 tract using population- weighted tract centroids.
* v016 (2024-02-20) Data descriptors updated; additional data fields added. * v014 (2024-01-30) Preliminary release version of the dataset.