Editorial Vol. 30 Issue 1

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Mind Culture and Activity

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The present issue includes five research articles and a book review. The first research article, by Dosun Ko, Aydin Bal, Aaron Bird Bear, Linda Orie, and Dian Mawene, continues a growing body of research drawing from decolonizing epistemologies (Smith, Citation2021), formative interventions (Engeström, Citation2016) and utopian methodologies (Rajala et al., Citation2022)) to redress issues of social justice through CHAT-informed research. Titled “Learning lab as a utopian methodology for future making: decolonizing knowledge production toward racial justice in school discipline,” the article discusses Learning Labs as a praxis-oriented systemic design intervention that facilitates a dialectical interplay between problem identification, that is, critical reflection on systemic contradictions, and problem-solving, that is, collective design actions. It elaborates the specific case of Indigenous Learning Lab (ILL), where local stakeholders’ engage in transformative future-making efforts to design a culturally decolonizing support system to address racial injustice at a rural high school. Using Levitas (Citation2013) work on utopia as a method as their theoretical lens, the authors examine their critical design ethnography work at the high school. This work documented the school community’s “collective endeavor toward decolonizing the future.” The authors studied the ways in which Native American students, families, tribal community members, and non-Native school staff expanded their future sociopolitical imaginations to envision alternative ways of organizing education.


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