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Human Resource Management

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Work -- Psychological aspects


Employees increasingly conduct work outside of traditional work hours via information communication technologies (ICTs). There is a need to understand how after-hours ICT use relates to well-being, given that such connectivity has become unavoidable. We implement an episodic, event-contingent design to evaluate the association between different ICT media (i.e., e-mail, phone call, chat app, short message service) and the within-person outcomes of psychological detachment as partially mediated by task productivity. A daily diary survey was collected over three consecutive workdays to capture after-hours ICT use. Daily surveys were completed by 498 individuals, with a total of 1494 episodes being captured of after-hours work ICT engagement. Our results indicate that while engagement with any form of ICT after hours reduces psychological detachment, email and chat apps are associated with the lowest levels of psychological detachment. Moreover, whereas the use of asynchronous ICT has positive main effects on episode-related task productivity, the use of synchronous ICT (e.g., phone) only enhances episode-related task productivity when there are high organizational expectations for employees' responsiveness after hours.


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