Portland Spectator is a student-run magazine at Portland State University. It covers news, commentary and arts and entertainment.
Publication began in 2002 and in May 2014, the Portland Spectator changed its name to Portland Spectrum.
The Portland Spectator, February 2004
Portland State University. Student Publications Board
Editor: Shahriyar Smith
Articles in this issue include: Two sides of the same coin: the political motivations behind foreign policy criticism; Fighting for the right to choose: school vouchers and the liberal hypocrisy of choice; and The political problem of Islam.
The Portland Spectator, November 2003
Portland State University. Student Publications Board
Editor: Joey Coon
Articles in this issue include: Prohibition lite: it’s time to put an end to the OLCC; It's a woman's world: the myth of female inferiority revealed; Elite liberals attack: A "fair and balanced" look at elite liberal hypocrites; Journalism, Kyoto and misconceptions: the true science behind the political agenda; Poverty for all: helping the poor through globalization; Toxic: cleaning up our river; and Gun control
The Portland Spectator, October 2003
Portland State University. Student Publications Board
Editor: Joey Coon
Articles in this issue include: Getting results that count: changing the strategy of student government; Peaceful revolution and recalling politicians: using democracy to hold our leaders accountable; Is the media biased? Yes. Deal with it: getting beyond the obvious and on with our lives; From Prague to China: the danger of powerlessness; Through a solider's eyes: an interview with a U.S. Marine; Bush bashing and the economy: Democrats grossly misunderestimate W's strategery; Cognitive contradictions: a psychological analysis of the left; and One hundred years of Orwellian thought: a warning that remains relevent.
The Portland Spectator, Summer 2003
Portland State University. Student Publications Board
Editor: Napoleon Linardatos
Articles in this issue include: Threatening the tuition plateau: making a serious problem even worse; Grand Theft paranoia: why violent video games are not a problem; The field of economic dreams: bringing major league baseball to Portland; Propaganda: the anti-drug; The right against the way: the forgotten anti-war activists; and The Jayson Blair affair: unwitting tribune of racial hope.
The Portland Spectator, April 2003
Portland State University. Student Publications Board
Editor: Napoleon Linardatos
Articles in this issue include: University Studies reform: giving options to students, making the program better; Churchill, appeasement and Iraq: the same yesterday, today and tomorrow; Walking with dinosaurs: the futile efforts of the vocal minority; The death of education in America; and The beer tax: increasing the price of grandpappy’s hooch;
The Portland Spectator, March 2003
Portland State University. Student Publications Board
Editor: Napoleon Linardatos
Articles in this issue include: Confederacy of dunces: 'Preacher Daniel' and his enlightened student opposition; Trowing the switch: the suspicious past of ex-Illinois Gov. Ryan; War for oil? Many would like to think so; Why this war is necessary: a last chance to stop Saddam Hussein; A unstable region: why the Middle East is behind the times; The folks from Paris: why Europeans don't like Bush; Fashion statements: lots of noise, not much argument; Friendly foods: why GM foods are good for you; and PSU architecture: many ideas, a few buildings, one campus.
The Portland Spectator, February 2003
Portland State University. Student Publications Board
Editor: Napoleon Linardatos
Articles in this issue include: Focus on the Left: a lecture series conspicuously lacking diversity; Free speech zones: the latest invention of the academy; Transcending racism: ending race preferences; The trouble with North Korea: the case of no easy solutions; Looking at Greece's present for America's future; The age of white guilt and the disappearance of the black individual; and Why greed is good: the unparalleled benefits of acting for oneself.