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Events from 2017


Revealing Subtle Cognitive-Linguistic Differences in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Through Discourse Analysis, Amanda L. Weichselbaum and Sarah E. Key-DeLyria


Patterns and Impacts of Urban Stream Burial and the Potential for Stream Daylighting in Portland, Oregon, Ella Weil


Sleep and Young Children's Development of Self-Regulation and Academic Skills, Emily Michelle Weiss


Middle School Teacher Beliefs about Classroom Diversity and their Influence on Differentiated Instructional Practices, Marcus Fredrick-Lynn Wenzel


Discrimination and Health: Sleep and Racism-related Vigilance in Wave 5 of Americans' Changing Lives Study, Jennifer Werekeitzen


How Does a Next Generation Science Standard Aligned, Inquiry Based, Science Unit Impact Student Achievement of Science Practices and Student Science Efficacy in an Elementary Classroom?, Kayla Lee Whittington


On Finding a Simulation Model for Carbon Nanotubes as Through-Silicon-Vias, Alec Wiese


Feasibility Determination Guide for the Road Diet Plus: a Five/Four-Lane to Two-Lane Road Diet, Michael Williams


Facilitating Open Innovation: Focusing on IP Management Rather Than IP Rights, Tony Williams


Comparing Infiltration Models to Estimate Infiltration Potential at Henry V Events, Rachel L. Wilson


Workers of the Word Unite!: The Powell's Books Union Organizing Campaign, 1998-2001, Ryan Thomas Wisnor


Pacific Northwest Residential PV Implementation Study, HoYin Wong, Waseem Takroni, Pingyi Lan, Kyle Kniffin, and Asrar Ahmed Syed


Subjective Retelling: The Influence of External and Individual Factors on the Folktales of the Brothers Grimm, Katherine R. Woodhouse


Implications of Psychotherapy and Low-Dose Medication Following First-Episode Psychosis, Alyssa Woolley


Survive or Thrive: a Mixed Method Study of Visiting Chinese Language Teachers' Identity Formation in the U.S. Classrooms, Li Xiang


LiDAR Business Analysis, Liyan Xiao, Mufeed Yacoub, Rassaniya Lerdphayakkarat, Tyler Groth, Tanzila Akhter, and Wendy Lally


Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise: Analyzing the Benefits of Different Forms of Exercise for Adults Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, Mark A. Yakubovich


Melting in the Mantle Wedge: Quantifying the Effects of Crustal Morphology and Viscous Decoupling on Melt Production with Application to the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Jiaming Yang


Choosing the NoSQL Database Management System for Big Data Analysis: A Hierarchical Decision Model, Kwangwoong Yang


An Analysis of Oregon Youth Authority Populations: Who Receives Treatment and What Factors Influence Allocation of Treatment Resources?, Rebecca Arredondo Yazzie


Intestinal Microbiota Diversity of Pre-Smolt Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Across Six Oregon and Washington Hatcheries, Christina Carrell Yildirimer


Power-Aware Datacenter Networking and Optimization, Qing Yi


Contemporary Attitudes Towards the Senpai-Kōhai Relationship, Michiko Yoshinaga


Social Class and the Establishment of the London Metropolitan Police Force, Michelle C. Zachary


An Operational Drought Prediction Framework with application of Vine Copula functions, Mahkameh Zarekarizi