This open access collection of exemplary graduate and undergraduate work includes nearly forty sub-collections: award-winning capstone projects, faculty-mentored research, and peer-reviewed scholarship. Find theses, dissertations, research projects, posters, presentations, articles, and more.

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Submissions from 2013


Understanding the Drivers of Forest, Residential, and Agricultural Land Values in Yamhill County Using Hedonic Models, Emily D. Dietrich


The Impacts of Change in Governance on Faculty and Staff at Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of OHSU, Dana L. Director


Object Detection and Recognition in Natural Settings, George William Dittmar


Gene Flow in an Invasive Species of Grass, Brachypodium Sylvaticum, Trieste Dobberstein


Lombard ReImagined, Kathryn Doherty-Chapman, Zef Wagner, Jake Warr, Jodi Jacobson-Swartfager, Rebecca Hamilton, and Brian Hurley


Effects of Increased Nitrogen Deposition on the Dominance of Hedera helix in the Pacific Northwest, Bianca Christine Dolan


Women Writing War and Peace in Post Vietnam Era, Amy Driscoll


Talking the Talk: An exploration of parent-child communication about cyberbullying, Veronica Anne Droser


Work Design Characteristics as Moderators of the Relationship between Proactive Personality and Engagement, Damon Thomas Drown


Facilitating Master's Student Success: A Quantitative Examination of Student Perspectives on Advising, Sarah Brooks Drummond Hays


Trust-but-Verify: Guaranteeing the Integrity of User-generated Content in Online Applications, Akshay Dua


The Representation of Women in Comic Books, Post WWII Through the Radical 60’s, Maryjane Dunne


Best Practices to Overcome Communication Challenges in Virtual Teams: A Qualitative Meta-analysis of the Past ETM Research Projects, Saranya Durairajan


How Does Student Understanding of a Concept Change Throughout a Unit of Instruction? Support Toward the Theory of Learning Progressions, Brian Jay Dyer


Heritage and Health: A Political-Economic Analysis of the Foodways of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah and the Bishop Paiute Tribe, April Hurst Eagan


Technology Roadmap for Consumer 3D Printing, James Eastham, Elizabeth Gibson, David Tucker, Katherine Tucker, and Sumir Varma


Carbon Audio: A Case Study in Strategy, James Eastham and David Tucker


Designing Innovative Alternatives to Traditional High Schools: What Leaders Need to Know, Chester Roy Edwards


The Lents International Farmer’s Market: A Case and Comparative Study, Sarah Egan


Between Two Worlds: Identity and Community in Oaxaca, Amanda Elder


Joint Angle Tracking with Inertial Sensors, Mahmoud Ahmed El-Gohary


An Alternative Ribozyme for the RNA Hypercycle, Ishak Elkhal


The Historical, Political, Social, and Individual Factors That Have Influenced the Development of Aging and Disability Resource Centers and Options Counseling, Sheryl DeJoy Elliott


Alley Allies, Scotty Ellis, Katie Hughes, Derek Dauphin, Sarah Isbitz, Shavon Caldwell, and Liz Paterson


Impact of Teachers' Planned Questions on Opportunities for Students to Reason Mathematically in Whole-class Discussions Around Mathematical Problem-solving Tasks, Sarah Elizabeth Enoch