Presentation Type


Start Date

5-8-2024 11:00 AM

End Date

5-8-2024 1:00 PM


Neutron beams

Student Level



Using neutron activation analysis of 99% pure gold foils, the authors characterize the neutron dose and shape of the neutron beam at the Reed Research Reactor (RRR). The experimental procedure followed extensive modeling in Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) and Tool for Particle Simulation (TOPAS) simulations, in which the beam was projected to be roughly collimated. The shape, defined in terms of neutron flux, was measured by placing the foils directly on top of the neutron beam cap at powers of 1, 5, and 10 kilowatts. The flux was then converted to neutron dose via the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's neutron fluence equation. The characterization confirmed a linear relationship between power and dose (as well as power and flux) at the RRR. Additional points were measured at varying heights above the beam cap to form a more complete characterization. The authors found that RRR’s neutron beam is roughly collimated with an uneven spread and inconsistent direction between trials.

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Physics Commons


May 8th, 11:00 AM May 8th, 1:00 PM

Reed Research Reactor Neutron Beam Characterization and Analysis

Using neutron activation analysis of 99% pure gold foils, the authors characterize the neutron dose and shape of the neutron beam at the Reed Research Reactor (RRR). The experimental procedure followed extensive modeling in Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) and Tool for Particle Simulation (TOPAS) simulations, in which the beam was projected to be roughly collimated. The shape, defined in terms of neutron flux, was measured by placing the foils directly on top of the neutron beam cap at powers of 1, 5, and 10 kilowatts. The flux was then converted to neutron dose via the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's neutron fluence equation. The characterization confirmed a linear relationship between power and dose (as well as power and flux) at the RRR. Additional points were measured at varying heights above the beam cap to form a more complete characterization. The authors found that RRR’s neutron beam is roughly collimated with an uneven spread and inconsistent direction between trials.