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53 minutes
Fruit growers -- Oregon, Sustainable agriculture, Farmers’ markets
Interview of Trevor Baird by Adam Hopfe at Portland State University on August 7th, 2007.
The interview index is available for download.
Trevor Baird is an Oregon farmer and owner of Baird Family Orchard. He grows a variety of fruit, including peaches, apricots, pluots, pears, and cherries, which is sold at local farmer's markets.
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Recommended Citation
Hopfe, Adam, "Interview with Trevor Baird, 2007 (audio)" (2007). Sustainability History Project.
Trevor Baird, of Baird Family Orchard, has an educational background in International Studies with a focus in Latin America; however, through his family ties and his practical experience, he has decided to work at his family’s farm ( founded in 1984). Baird discusses some of the operational processes of their family farm business, employment issues, and some of their successes and failures. Baird discusses the evolution of the family farm’s need for farmer’s markets and provides his insights into the process of how it positively affects both the producers and purchasers of fresh locally grown produce. Baird ends the interview with his thoughts on sustainable agriculture and emphasizes the importance of giving back to the land what is taken from it, focusing on practices that encourage long-term benefits—doing so in a way that can ensure a lifetime of harvests.
This interview is part of “The Sustainability History Project: Documenting Sustainable Development and Practice in the Pacific Northwest” at Portland State University.