Streaming Media
Publication Date
Document Type
1 hour 34 minutes
Sustainable agriculture, School gardens -- Oregon -- Portland, Nutrition
Interview of Kristine Garnero Obbink by Loraine Decker at 705 N. Killingsworth St., Portland, Oregon on May 14th, 2013.
The interview index is available for download.
As of 2013, Kristine Garnero Obbink is the Nutrition Services Director of Portland Public Schools (PPS). Originally from Monterey, California. She holds a bachelor’s in Food and Nutrition. She is a registered dietitian.
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Recommended Citation
Obbink, Kristine Garnero, "Interview with Kristine Garnero Obbink, Portland Public School, 2013 (audio)" (2013). All Sustainability History Project Oral Histories. 131.
May 14, 2013: Kristine Obbink is a nutritionist in the Portland Public School District. She speaks about her involvement within the school district by introducing a salad bar, a training table program for coaches and athletes, and ultimately the Farm to School program. The ideas behind the Farm to School program as well as the processes behind the program are discussed. The various organizations overseeing and involved within the programs are the USDA and Ecotrust. The roles and measurements of success are described from each of these members. Some faults, concerns, and insight to starting these various programs described above are thoroughly examined in this interview as well. Furthermore, the current state of the program as being “expensive” and required budget cuts from other departments within Portland Public Schools is discussed. Kristine defines sustainability within the food world as a system that can be institutionalized so that it can move forward in its progress.
This interview is part of “The Sustainability History Project: Documenting Sustainable Development and Practice in the Pacific Northwest” at Portland State University.