Streaming Media
Publication Date
Document Type
21 minutes
Restaurant design -- Sustainability, Sushi -- Oregon -- Portland
Interview of Brandon Hill by Jeff Francoeur at Bamboo Sushi, SE Portland, Oregon on August 10, 2010.
The interview index is available for download.
As of 2010, Brandon Hill served as Director of Operations for Bamboo Sushi, a locally owned Sushi Restaurant with the stated mission to providing "the freshest fish, meats, and produce with the greatest consciousness to marine stewardship, sustainability, and the environment." Brandon Hill began as Bamboo Sushi's Executive Sushi Chef in 2008, after many years of culinary experience in Denver and Seattle.
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Recommended Citation
Francoeur, Jeff, "Interview with Brandon Hill, 2010 (audio)" (2010). Sustainability History Project.
Brandon Hill, the executive chef of Bamboo Sushi at the time of this interview, discusses the impetus behind their business model and their incorporation of Sustainable business practices. Hill’s definition of sustainability includes conducting business with supplies and organizations willing to take a stand with methods by which their products are brought to sale and not argue over technical/lexiconical definitions of the term, in general. For Bamboo Sushi, their motivation to become a sustainable restaurant came from the reality that global ocean fisheries are being depleted faster than they can be restored. He believes restaurants that rely on seafood must modify the ways they source their products in order to reflect current realities—if they desire to continue operating for over the long term. Hill discusses the limitations and benefits of Bamboo Sushi’s sustainable business model and follows up with comments on national ocean policies and how they affect business.
This interview is part of “The Sustainability History Project: Documenting Sustainable Development and Practice in the Pacific Northwest” at Portland State University.