Streaming Media
Publication Date
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1 hour 19 minutes
Sustainability, Design -- Oregon, Branding Consulting
Interview of Jane Pellicciotto by Nigel Peltier on March 7th, 2011.
The interview index is available for download.
Jane Pellicciotto has owned Allegro Design since 1996. Allegro Design is a marketing firm with a focus on branding, communication, and graphic design. Her clients include Oregon Health & Science University, Smile: Mac software, Ecotrust, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Tualatin Hills Parks & Recreation District, and the City of Portland's Office of Sustainable Development.
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Recommended Citation
Pellicciotto, Jane, "Interview with Jane Pellicciotto, Allegro Design, 2011 (audio)" (2011). All Sustainability History Project Oral Histories. 66.
Jane Pellicciotto, of Olego Designs, discusses her experience in graphic design. Pellicciotto defined her view of sustainability as the ability to adapt to changes and adopting the idea of “enough.”
Pellicciotto expresses her view of two main different methods of economic sustainability: 1) corporations feel pressure to make sustainable products but must balance that desire with the need to generate profit; and 2) not-for-profit efforts pushing the idea of effectiveness and using less resources and energy to make things. She also targeted the jargon of sustainability in the business world and explained that companies with sustainable missions sometimes don’t address key questions. For example, how does sustainability really get implemented and supported by the right people in the organization? She questions if the issue gets lost in some organizations because there is not a clear definition and focus on it—making it very hard to implement in organizations.
This interview is part of “The Sustainability History Project: Documenting Sustainable Development and Practice in the Pacific Northwest” at Portland State University.