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37 minutes
Sustainability, Building Materials, Recycled Products -- Oregon -- Portland
Interview of Tom Patzkowski by Greg Peterson at the Rebuilding Center in Portland, Oregon on May 27th, 2009.
The interview index is available for download.
Tom Patzkowski is the Driving Department Manager at the Rebuilding Center of Our United Villages.
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Recommended Citation
Patzkowski, Tom, "Interview with Tom Patzkowski, Rebuilding Center, 2009 (audio)" (2009). All Sustainability History Project Oral Histories. 69.
The ReBuilding Center of Our United Villages, a non-profit organization, keeps “eight tons of material a day from landfills.” Warehouse Manager Tom Patzkowski explains how supportive of recycling and reuse the city of Portland is, allowing the ReBuilding Center to stand behind their mission statement of “keeping materials out of landfill and providing living wage jobs (while) doing community support work in Portland.” As the warehouse manager, Patzkowski would also oversee the driving department, which offers free pickup service for large loads of building materials. The ReBuilding Center practices what it preaches, explains Patzkowski, with the use of skylights from the “penguinarium” that were collected from the penguin exhibit at the Portland Zoo.
This interview is part of “The Sustainability History Project: Documenting Sustainable Development and Practice in the Pacific Northwest” at Portland State University.