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Biology -- Computer simulation, Proteins -- Structure -- Computer simulation


Three specific models of the acute inflammatory response were contrasted. The first model was a recently published and rather complex agent-based model used to simulate clinical trials in silico. The second model was a highly simplified system dynamics model developed during the present research. The third model was also recently published, with similar objectives to the first model, but utilized a complex set of 18 differential equations. The study found that the complexity of the first and third models is likely to adversely impact their usefulness, at least for other researchers. The second model, which is too simple to be used for predictive purposes, shows potential promise as a pedagogical tool, and possibly as the foundation for a somewhat more realistic model that would still be much less complex than the other two models. A comparison table contrasts the three models/methods in more detail. The message for practitioners is one of caution--it is likely to take a considerable period of time to fully realize the potential promise of in silico methods such as those published recently.


Paper & Presentation at the 6th European Congress of Systems Science, Paris, France, September 2005.

The Presentation is available below in the Additional Files

Persistent Identifier

ECSS2005-presentation.pdf (744 kB)
