This project was funded by the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC; grant number 1518), a U.S. DOT University Transportation Center, and with additional support from Salt Lake City Transportation Division; Wasatch Front Regional Council; Utah Department of Transportation; Utah Transit Authority; University of Utah; Salt Lake County, Regional Planning and Transportation; and the Portland Bureau of Transportation.
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A Community Transportation Academy (CTA) is a course that harnesses the knowledge, technical expertise and passions of practicing transportation professionals in a city to immerse a cohort of interested and dedicated community members in transportation issues over a two to three month curriculum.
The CTA curriculum was developed by drawing from the Portland Traffic and Transportation (PTT or Portland CTA) course, along with the Wasatch Transportation Academy (WTA or Wasatch CTA, which was inspired by the Portland course). Planning academy courses in cities around the country are also good models to look to for how to structure and operate such a course. However, the nature of the transportation course is that it goes into much greater depth on a specific topic, allowing the participant to go deeper into transportation history and technical discussions and develop a greater understanding of the agencies and policies involved.
Persistent Identifier
Recommended Citation
McNeil, Nathan, and Bartholomew, Keith. Community Transportation Academy: Course Curriculum and Implementation Handbook. NITC-TT-1518b. Portland, OR: National Institute for Transportation and Communities, 2022. https://doi.org/10.15760/trec.280
This is a final report, NITC-TT-1518b from the National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC) program of the Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University.
The project page can be found online at: https://nitc.trec.pdx.edu/research/project/1518