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Part of the Student Presentations from TRB

To explore the relationships between measures of density and walking within and between urban areas, we present an analysis of the travel survey data from six different cities from the US and Santiago, Chile. The analysis of aggregate and disaggregate pedestrian trips presented here examine the potential consistency of relationships between walking and density within and across different regions, with a specific focus on population density. Our findings illustrate a relationship between population density and walk mode shares that is roughly linear and of nearly equal magnitude across US regions in densities below 20 persons/acre. As work in this area matures, fine-grained built environment measures should be complemented with constructs that describe the metropolitan structure, including density distributions and gradients, poly-centricity, and spatial extent of the urban area.


Perception, Urban transportation, Transportation -- Planning, Transportation -- Planning -- Statistical methods


Transportation | Urban Studies

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Density Differences: Exploring Built Environment Relationships with Walking Between and Within Metropolitan Areas



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