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Cities across the U.S. are facing alarming increases in traffic fatalities, especially among the number of pedestrians who are struck and killed by drivers. Last year, 70 percent of all pedestrian fatalities in Portland were of people experiencing houselessness. As the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is updating the city's Vision Zero Plan, a team of PSU urban and regional planning masters students have been investigating how to reduce the risk of being hit and killed specifically for unhoused people. During this presentation, the Street Perspective team will explain the situation, review their approach, and then share the recommendations they'll be providing to PBOT to reduce the risk of pedestrian fatalities among the city's vulnerable houseless communities.

Biographical Information

Street Perspective is a team of six MURP students from a variety of backgrounds, interests, and experiences: Peter Domine, Nick Meusch, Asif Haque, Angie Martínez, Sean Doyle, and Meisha Whyte. We are all committed to making Portland and other cities safer, more equitable, and more accessible places for all residents.


Transportation | Urban Studies | Urban Studies and Planning

Persistent Identifier

Safety Interventions for Houseless Pedestrians



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