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Critical theory, Library administration


Oregon libraries work to meet the information needs of our communities, a mission that is dependent on teamwork. Library managers are tasked with leading, supporting and developing the teams that serve our communities. Social justice and critical theory are frameworks that are often discussed within library practice, but are only starting to be applied to library management practice. The more we discuss social justice, the more apparent it is that inclusion and equity are essential aspects of library management. This program will open with a brief presentation discussing the overlap between critical theory and library management, then we will open the discussion up to our panel. We will leave plenty of time for audience questions and wider discussion. The intended outcome for the panel discussion is to foster a robust discussion of how the incorporation of critical theory and social justice frameworks can improve our approaches to management and our service to our communities. The goal we are setting is for audience members to think critically about their own management practice and consider ways of improving equity and in their own organizations.


Presented at the Oregon Library Association Conference, Salem, Oregon, April 21, 2017.

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