We Still Need New Ideas
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Planning Theory & Practice
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While reading my colleagues’ reflections on this 20th year of publication, the realization struck me that I barely know of a time without this journal’s mix of theory and practice, its incorporation of learning from around the world, the inclusion of practitioners’ reflections on how we really actually get things done as planners, and its provocations to the profession on issues of social and spatial justice. The first issue of Planning Theory & Practice came out during my first year of graduate study in urban planning. I do clearly recall reading Leonie Sandercock’s ‘When Strangers Become Neighbors: Managing Cities of Difference’ and realizing there was a theoretical framework and scholarship about my deepest concerns as a new initiate into professional norms, providing a path to my learning to articulate how recognition and respect could lead to transformative justice outcomes (Sandercock, 2000) .
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Bates, L. K. (2019). We Still Need New Ideas. Planning Theory & Practice, 20(5), 627–629.
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