Interview Date
Dr. Jose Coll describes his journey from arriving in the United States as a Cuban immigrant as a child to becoming a U.S. Marine, and how he turned his career in service to academia with a focus on training veterans' counselors.
Link to Portland State Magazine Issue
"Once A Warrior: Portraits of PSU Veterans" in PSU Magazine, Fall 2021
Dr. Jose Coll joined the faculty at PSU as the Dean of the School of Social Work in 2019. He began his academic career in social work after four years of service in the Marine Corps and has held administrative and faculty positions at Texas State University, University of Southern California, and Saint Leo University.
Interview recorded by phone in July 2021. This file is edited from the original recording.
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Persistent Identifier
Counselor Education | Military and Veterans Studies | Social Work
Recommended Citation
Coll, Jose E., "Interview with Jose Coll" (2021). Portraits of PSU Veterans. 5.